Department of Finance

The Finance Department is responsible for the receipt, investment, and disbursement of municipal funds, and safeguarding the assets of the City of Burlington. In addition, the Department of Finance performs all appropriate functions associated with:

  • Monitoring compliance with all applicable laws and regulations related to municipal finance
  • Oversees the Division of Tax and Revenue Collection
  • Preparing and presenting the annual budget
  • Financial Reporting
  • Monitoring internal control processes and procedures to ensure efficiency
  • Accounts payable and receivables
  • Payroll

Payment Of Claims

In order to facilitate more expeditious treatment when requesting payment from the City,

  • All Claims shall be submitted on a City Voucher Form signed by the Claimant requesting payment, accompanied by a detailed Invoice.
  • Claims are approved for payment at a meeting of Common Council. In general, these meetings are held twice a month.

Contact Information

City Hall Municipal Offices
525 High Street,
Burlington, NJ, 08016
Hours: Monday to Friday (9:00am - 5:00pm)

Tara Krueger, CMFO
Tel: (609) 386-0200 ext. 120
Fax: (609) 733-1050

Yuri Bishop
Tel: (609) 386-0200 ext. 121

Cynthia Spruell
Tel: (609) 386-0200 ext. 119

Rhonda Johnson-Jackson
Tel: (609) 386-0200

Accounts Payable and Receivables

Pay Utility Bills & Property Taxes Online

You now may use credit and debit cards to pay taxes, fees, sewer, water, court fines, and other municipal taxes and fees.

Tax and Revenue Collections

Maintaining all records of billings and collections. Billing and collection of all water / sewer accounts.

Tax Assessor's Office

Appraisal and evaluation of all land and buildings within the City Burlington.

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