
Under the direction of the Business Administrator, the Department of Administration is responsible for overseeing the operations of all City Departments and implementing policies established by the Mayor and Common Council. In addition, the Department of Administration performs all appropriate functions associated with:

  • Coordinating the activities of the various departments to achieve maximum efficiency of the city government.
  • Prescribing and enforcing rules & regulations for efficient management and operation of the City government.
  • Directing the preparation and administration of the annual operating and capital budgets and maintain a continuing review and analysis of budget operation work programs and costs.
  • Developing and administrating a sound personnel system.
  • Administering a centralized purchasing system to procure supplies, materials, and services for all departments.
  • Managing all municipal insurance programs, including health, workers compensation, and general liability.
  • Overseeing the filing of Tort Claims against the City.

Human Resources

Personnel (Human Resources) administers employee recruitment and selection, health insurance, pensions, and all other employee related benefits.

For additional information or access to job opportunities, use the link below to visit the Human Resources page.

Click Here for more information


The Department of Administration conducts all purchasing activities in accordance with the Local Public Contracts Law of the State of New Jersey, specifically N.J.S.A. 40A: 11-1 et seq. and N.J.A.C 5:34 et seq.

Please visit the link below to view Bid Opportunities

Click Here for more information

Tort Claims

Please contact the Department of Administration to request a tort claim form.

Click Here for more information

If you wish to file a claim against the City you must complete a tort claims form within 90 days of the incident. You must include the following information: Date, time, and location of the incident; description of what occurred; type of damage(s) or nature of the injury; copies of invoices, receipts, and estimates; and any additional documentation supporting your claim (i.e., photos, diagrams, statements, police report, etc.), full mailing address and daytime telephone number.

Please contact the Department of Administration to request a tort claim form. Completed forms and related documents can be mailed, or hand delivered to the address listed below.

City Hall Municipal Offices
525 High Street,
Burlington, NJ, 08016

Contact Information

City Hall Municipal Offices
525 High Street,
Burlington, NJ, 08016

Fax: 609-386-0214
Hours: Monday to Friday (9:00 am – 5:00 pm)

Johanna S. Conyer, Business Administrator
Tel: 609-386-0200 x133

Zoraida Pagan, Confidential Secretary
Tel: 609-386-0200 x140

Cynthia Spruell, Confidential Assistant
Tel: 609-386-0200 x119


Tort Claims

Human Resources

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